The Soul Cages

The Soul Cages#

I first came across this tale whilst searching for “tales of the sea”. Starting with a cursory search on mermaids and selkies, a memory of Eddie Lenihan’s telling of “The Newhall mermaid” on his Storyteller 1 & 2 CD collection came to mind. Trying to track that tale down by searching around Irish mermaid, I came across the Irish mermaid equivalent merrow, and from that the “Soul Cages” tale. Interestingly, the notes to the tale in the first collection to describe the story, volume 2 of Thomas Crofton Coker’s Fairy Legends and Traditions of the South of Ireland, 1828, includes a mention of the Newhall mermaid.

The tale itself appears to be “fakelore”, inspired by a tale collected Grimm, but written by, and provided to, Crofton Coker, by Thomas Keightley, although that didnlt stop it also appearing in W. B. Yeats’ Fairy and Folk Tales of the Irish Peasantry, 1888, pp. 61-75, credited to Crofton Coker.

Crofton Croker’s notes to the tale,

In a footnote at the end of his reprining of the tale, Thomas Keightley gave the origins of the story away in his Fairy Mythology of 1850.

Keightley cited a German legend as the inspiration for the tale: