
This living collection gathers together story notes and research relating to various tales and legends relating to the Isle of Wight. The notes are there to support traditional storytelling, rather than being a stepping stone to a print work.

The source material is compiled, wherever possible, from archived, out of print works.

Many of the texts can be found on the Internet Archive. Whilst text versions of the works are available there, the quality of them varies significantly. In collating the notes for this work, the original scanned text versions have been corrected wherever possible. Any errors remaining will be corrected as and when I discover them!

Many of the tales are, and will be, continuing works in progress. Several of the tales are — will be — based on historical accounts, and I am still learning how to turn accounts into stories. Based on the idea that “the story is what’s left when the facts are forgotten”, a sentiment I’m pretty sure I first came across in Angela Rourke’s The Burning Of Bridget Cleary, the way I am approaching the treatment of accounts is to amass related news reports in order to get a sense of what the pulic might be told about a particular event, and then try to tell what seems memorable…

If you would like to hear any of this tales, told in a traditional way, from the heart, rather than the head, please get in touch [monty AT].

–Tony Hirst, Isle of Wight.

Collection initiated: March, 2022.

Some of other storynotes collections#

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