The New Church is Opened

The New Church is Opened#

Hopeful of the new St. Thomas’ Church being completed before the Advent season of 1856, a date for the consecration of the Church appears to have been originally set for November 25th. But as with any building project, it seems that this date was perhaps a little ambitious.

Even with a fortnight’s delay, it seems the Church was still not ready. And so a special license was required from the Bishop to allow a service to take place there in the run up to Christmas.

Another month was to pass, and then the church was consecrated at the end of January, 1857.

The following, more comprehensive, report, poetically describes how Churches link the past to the present, and the present to the future,

The Sermon

The sermon preached at the consecration service can be found in the Isle of Wight Mercury, dated Saturday 24 January 1857