Carus Wilson Continues To Have His Say

Carus Wilson Continues To Have His Say#

A year on from the publication of “Tempters and Tempted”, and it seems that the Revd. W. Carus Wilson could not but help himself, feeling compelled to publish another New Year’s Day tract that was almost guaranteed to meet with less than universal approval.


Available in *The lending library of Ipswich temperance tracts, v. 9.

Portsmouth in flames

See the full tract in the Appendix.

The previous article ends with a Latin quote — “Parturiunt montes nascetur ridiculus mus” — and provides a moral to the tale…

A couple of years later, in June 1859, an encounter with the pamphlet is preceded by a interesting set-up, that we might twist co-opt along the lines of: man goes into a bookseller on Pyle Strret, “Can I help ?”, [shiftily] “Er, yes, I’m looking for a copy of Tempters and Tempted”, and is presented with a rather graphic magazine that was not what he anticipated.