March 15, 2007

searchFeedr Pipes

A quickie post from a 5 minute hack - a generalisation of the deliSearch pipe so that it will take any feed and search the sites listed in the feed (a searchfeedr style search :-)

Here it is: searchfeedr Pipe.
This pipe will search over all the sites that are listed in the supplied feed.

Other searchfeedr pipes include:

There's also this handy OPML searchfeedr style pipe from Chris that takes an OPML URL and passes the OPML feed through an OPML2RSS converter, then limits the search to sites contained in the resulting feed.

The searchfeedr search engine at is currently cobbled together out of scrappy bits of code, but I'm hoping to rebuild it using Pipework. Here are more than a few posts on searchfeedr if you want to see how it evolved.

Posted by ajh59 at March 15, 2007 10:44 AM