February 09, 2007

deliSearch Pipe

Yahoo! Pipes are back, and already there are some interesting pipelications (?!) appearing.

One that particularly interested me was this del.icio.us flavored web search, that lets you run a site limited search over the domains listed in a delicious bookmarks feed.

A deliSearch pipe, no less... already ...

Here's what it looks like (and here's a clone I've taken and renamed: deliSearch pipe).


I've started thinking about a wider set of searchfeedr pipes, but not had a chance to build any of them yet (maybe there are some equivalents already on the Pipes site?).

Update 10/2/07: here's a pageLinks Search Pipe: supply a URL and a search query, and a search will be performed over the domains linked to from the specified page.

Posted by ajh59 at February 9, 2007 11:25 AM