March 11, 2006

'Search Links On this Page' Revised Bookmarklet

Borrowing a few things from Otis' Simpy Bookmarklet, I've modified the Search This Page's Links bookmarklet so that if you don't highlight a term then it will offer you a pop-up search box to enter your search terms.

As IE seems to limit the length of a bookmarklet, I'm working on shortening the bookmarklet, so the bookmarklet code provided from this page may undergo a few changes over the next few days.

(At the moment, the bookmarklet does not work in IE [Testing: IE bookmarklet ?broken?]). Update: Here's a quick fix - a bookmarklet that doesn't look for selected text - instead it will always pop up a search box for you to enter search terms that will be used to search over the links in the page: Search PageLinks.

Anyway if you're using Firefox (?or Safari?) - here's the new ? PageLinks bookmarklet (this one, unlike the IE version, will use selected text if there is any as the search term(s)). Aaarghhh - I keep forgetting, Bloglines thinks the < sign in the bookmark is the start of a tag (?anyone know how Ishould get round this?) - if you want to play, and your are in Bloglines at the mo, pick up the bookmarks from here.

A couple of features added since last time: 1) the size of the bookmarklet is limited number of links searched over is limited by the maximum length of the Yahoo search URL that is generated; 2) only links starting http:// are considered.

PS Don't forget, if you want to include a 'search the links on this page' search box in your own page, there's a script that will do it here.

Posted by ajh59 at March 11, 2006 01:07 PM