January 15, 2008

MIT Courseware for High Schools - in a Grazr Widget

I've just been having a little tinker with a couple of OPML scripts that combine the Yahoo Pipe scrapers that generate RSS feeds from MITs Courseware for High Schools to deliver a portable feed browser for all of that content....

...which means that you can browse the MIT courseware for schools in a single widget.

Here's another widget that gives you access to the MIT courses for high schools content and OpenLearn content in the same widget:

Note that there is now an official OpenLearn OPML feed that provides access to all of the OpenLearn course feeds:-)

If you've got an iPhone or iPod Touch, why not try viewing at least the OpenLearn courses using that device? Just click on the Share menu in the Grazr widget and select iPhone ;-)

Now I just need to find a way of viewing PDFs in the Grazr widget ;-)

Posted by ajh59 at January 15, 2008 07:49 PM