June 15, 2007

YouTube Playlist RSS Feeds With Video Enclosures (Grazring YouTube Favourites Playlists Redux)

UPDATE: most of what follows is out-of-date... until such a time as I write a follow up post, here's a YouTube Search'n'Play widget that you can embed in any page. If you want it as a Facebook app, try here: YouTube Search'n'Play Facebook app...

In what will (hopefully!) be the last post on this topic for a bit, here's a link to a Yahoo Pipe that will take in a YouTube Playlist URL, and produce an RSS feed of that playlist - with the appropriate movies attached as an enclosure to each item in the feed.

YouTube Playlist Feed With Video Enclosures. Here's one that works, and uses the Youtube gdata API rather than scraping via Dapper (which I built before the API...): YouTube Playlist Feed With Video Enclosures

What the attachment means is that you can view a YouTube playlist in a Grazr widget, for example:

This pipe supercedes the approach described in Grazring YouTube Favourites Playlists, which took a snapshot of a playlist and generated the feed from an enumerated list of movie IDs that were explicitly captured within a fixed URL; the new pipe scrapes a live feed from the playlist using a youTube Playlist scraper Dapp.

UPDATE: The revised new pipe (?!) uses the Youtube gdata API and a Yahoo pipe to augment the feed with enclosures.

UPDATED TO WORK WITH NEW PIPE: If generating the feed URL from the Yahoo Pipes page is too much for you, this youTube Playlist viewing Grazr widget (here's a youTube Playlist URL to try it with: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=398D1C0A2DC0ED05; either enter the full URL or just the playlist ID - 398D1C0A2DC0ED05):

Or if you'd rather watch a youTube movie playlist using a native Google gadget, check out this post: Google Gadgets - RSS Feed Powered YouTube Playlist Player.

Of course, I now fully expect to see that youTube has opened up an API onto their playlists, making this stuff all redundant!

Posted by ajh59 at June 15, 2007 03:57 PM