April 29, 2006

Social Bookmarking OPML Feed Roller

Update: now works in IE7
Update: multiple, independently named feed profiles

Try out the new OPML feedroller here.

Over the Easter break, I had a doodle with the Social Bookmarking OPML Feed Generator so that it now supports:

1) the ability to create multiple social bookmarking feed profiles;
2) the ability to generate the OPML text feed for any single profile or for all the profiles together;
3) a link to an online OPML feed for each single profile (so you can pass a URL rather than having to upload a file).


Editing 'saved' profiles has no effect at the moment (though it's on the to do list), and the visual profile builder doesn't work in IE (I've only done any testing of note in Firefox). Adding a client side save option is something else I'd like to try out. Each pass through the code I try to tidy it up a little bit more too - support for easy addition of new social bookmarking system feed URL generators is something that I'll be mulling over once the broken bits are all fixed!

As I won't have time to do any more on this for 2 or 3 weeks, I thought I might as well paste a link to what's available now: Social Bookmarking Feeds OPML Generator (workk in progress...) - deprecated in favour of the PDF linking iservice described below.

It's useable in Firefox, as far as I can tell, and half-works in IE. (If anyone can point out why the profile table isn't building correctly in IE7, please let me know in a comment. It seems that IE7 needs you to put dynamically added table rows into a <tbody> tag)

Update: PDF view now available using the rss2pdf.com service.


The PDF view version of the Social Bookmarking to OPML Feed Generator [DEPRECATED] allows you to view a PDF listing of the bookmark entries (including comments, etc.) in the feeds listed in single profile. Latest version here.

PS the online OPML feed generator appears to be misbehaving - and I won't be able to fix it for a week or two, In particular, it doesn't feed tag combinations (e.g. this+that). Instead, it splits the tags into separate feeds. Sorry about that...

Posted by ajh59 at April 29, 2006 11:52 AM