Social Bookmarking RSS Feeds - OPML Generator

select social bookmarking system(s)
delicious Logo cituelike Logo CiteULike
Simpy Logo Simpy Scuttle Logo Scuttle
Connotea Logo Connotea Custom feed (define below)
define customisable social bookmarking system Scuttle-like Connotea-like
enter feed terms
profile selection
User Tags delicious Logo cituelike Logo Simpy Logo Scuttle Logo Connotea Logo URL Actions

your OPML/feed URLs:

Here is your feed URL:


Generate an OPML file (or just a list of feed URLs) for, Simpy, Connotea, CiteULike and/or Scuttle RSS feeds, as well as generating feeds to systems on other domains that conform to the URL structures used by, Connotea and Scuttle.

Using the generator, you can easily upload lists of RSS feeds to personal desktops, such as Netvibes, for use as a Tagged Resource Display Environment, from a saved OPML file or an online OPML feed. (Note that custom feeds are not included in the online OPML feed.)

Enter one or more space separated username(s) and/or space separated tag(s) or tag combinations, then click on the 'generate OPML' button to get a list of RSS feeds in OPML.

Use the 'generate OPML Roll' to generate a combined OPML listing from all your profiles. (Note that changing the settings of a profile once you have created it does not (yet) get reflected in the OPML URL or the generated OPML code.)


Select all, copy and paste it into a new file (sbFeeds.opml) and import it into a feed reading application or feed display service such as Netvibes.


If you have any comments about this web page application, especially bug reports, suggestions for other social bookmarking systems to include, and details about how you've used the generated OPML feeds/which online services or desktop applications you've used them with, etc., please post a comment to this blog post.

Page layout, design and script based on MonitorThis