March 09, 2006

'Search Links on this Page' Bookmarklet

Something I seem to remember reading about in the past, and brought to mind again today in an email about deliSearch from John Tropea at Library Clips, who wrote:

hopefully someone will come along and make a search engine that searches the full-text of the links listed on a given URL (webpage).

Rather than spend 20 mins googling for something to do this, I thought I'd spend half an hour on a proof of concept bookmarklet to do something along these lines.

So here it is - only tested in Firefox, of course ;-) a possibly brittle bookmarklet that will allow you to highlight some text on a page and then search all the links on the page for that term.

Search This Page's Links

(Hmm - Bloglines doesn;t like this - if you're on bloglines, you can pick up the bookmarklet from here.)

When I have an hour or two spare, I'll try and pop this into a more robust script that will also add a 'search the links on the page' query form. Unless someone out there already has something similar?

Posted by ajh59 at March 9, 2006 11:05 AM