January 13, 2006

One Click Book Reservation

Another quickie post - I can do 1-click shopping at Amazon and have the book arrive at my home the following day, so why can't I make a 1-click book reservation from the OU Library and have the book delivered to me through the internal mail to my pigeonhole?

Perhaps I misunderstand what Library 2.0 is all about, and library staff don't want to have to do the wandering-round-the-library-like-a-slave-getting-books-for-people-mumble-grumble, but as a user who goes in to the office for a couple of days a week (I work from home, mainly) and often don't have the time to go to the library (which is waaaaaaaay over the other side of the campus), it would be so OUseful if while I was working at home I could 1-click a book collection/delivery service on the library catalogue and know the book would be waiting for me when I got to work.

Posted by ajh59 at January 13, 2006 05:49 PM