October 30, 2007

OpenLearn 2007 Keynote: John Seely Brown

[UPDATE: there's an article that covers most of the ground mentioned in this talk here: Educase review: Minds on Fire: Open Education, the Long Tail, and Learning 2.0]

[I wasn't going to post these notes, as notes, but I think it's interesting to compare my notes with those of a couple of others who blogged the same talk... John Seely Brown - Patrick reporting, OpenLearn Keynote Address by John Seely Brown, Open Learning Broadly Construed and John Seely Brown Keynote Speech (hmm - i wonder what would happend if i passed each of these posts through the same content analysis tool... would the posts give rise to the same keywords? ;-) A main difference, I think, is that my post: 1) is built up from keywords and phrases, with occasional personal comments, rather than a personal prose commentary of the presentation (I tend to do that post hoc, writing up talk notes on the evening of, or days following, the event); 2) my post includes links, and 3) I found and skimmed those links whilst the presentation was on (partial attention!), complementing the presentation with the Google font of knowledge...;-)]

John Seely Brown - Open Learning Broadly Construed

Coals to Newcastle, given OU status in open and distance education.

Routes to sustainability
Leveraging learning that always happens... e.g. immersive language learning

"Cartesian view of learning" - transfer of knowledge, "I teach, you learn" delivery models, naturally fosters subject disciplines..

cf. the social view of learning, "we participate therefore we are", understanding (rather than knowledge) is socially constructed.

"We learn in and through our interaction with others and the world."

Nothing beats collaborative study groups - best indicator of ??? is the ability to join and participate in a collaborative study group.

This works in the distributed world (e.g. via IM) as well as face-to-face.

"The social life of learning".

Students are already embedded in a social network (from home, school etc.) when they arrive at university, and this forms one special sort of study group...

The best way to learn something is to teach something - study groups again....

Learning as supported through participatory architectures...

Come to understand knowledge through conversations with others.

The architecture studio - the atelier form of learning, a powerful social learning envt
- learning as enculturation into a practice;
- work in progress is made public;
-> peripheral participation layer.

Beyond textbook learning, from learning-about, to learning-to-be.

**Can we reverse the flow - turn passionate learning-to-be into learning about.. "Unleashing productive enquiry"

Technology enabled active learning TEAL
Move MIT electo/mag course to a studio based model. "Sage on the stage" doesn't work...

Faulkes telescope

Decameron web, (SGML backbone) - a new forum for partipatory scholarship.

'Modern' kids from the global world, mobile phones and web connectivity.

Tinkering as a learning platform - it's death and rebirth as remix, mashups.

tinkering stop - devices became cognitively impenetrable; then tinkering returned... open source, game mods, media remix
Tinkering today is gender neutral [??!?!?!always was?? - tinkering in kitchen and home, clothingg etc actively pursued by women..]

Polyani - tacit knowledge - http://www.infed.org/thinkers/polanyi.htm

Life in the digital age - a culture of participation: tinkering, building, remixing, sharing. Creating meaning - I produce and others build on.

Ying and yang of production and consumption

Open source as a participatory learning platform; distributed, situated learning. Process of enculturation - pick up sensibilities and practices of a pre-existing, working community.

Remix and mashup - creative tinkering and the play of imagination; fan fiction [but also think play - playing out TV scenes];

Filling in backstory -creative reading.

[??how could this tie in with Theatre of the Oppressed/Forum Theatre]

The Brewing Sotrm of opportunity - OER, eScience, eHumanities, web 2.0 -> Open Participatory Learning Ecosystem (with feedback loops galore)

What are the ways of closing the loop and fostering intertwining

Fundamental trend - from scarcity to abundance
Manufacturing economy - consumer society - creator economy (culture of co-creation and participation)

Long Tail

Long Tail in Learning... supporting the rise of an ecology of learning/doing niches

Active blending - yin-yang odf learning on the one hand and research/doing/making on the other.

From stock (supply push), to flow (demand pull)
From a stable world to a rapidly changing world [but what is it that's changing?]

Learning 2.0 - learning on demand.

When recreation becomes re-creation/remix and productive enquiry: a culture of learning, participatory life long learning and the ultimate sustainability model... [BUT - I prefer daily learning; just as a social app should have a personal payoff, lifelong learning needs appropriate daily practice]


Posted by ajh59 at October 30, 2007 11:32 AM

We seem to take notes in a similar way (http://ariadne.cs.kuleuven.be/wordpress/eduval/?p=221), though with different tools ;-)

Posted by: Erik Duval at October 30, 2007 04:19 PM