October 15, 2007

"A Vision of Students Today"

You ever get a shiver down your back when you see or read or hear something that tells you what you already know, but in a really powerful way?

Web2.0...The Machine is Us/ing Us did it for me, as it did for a lot of people I think... I'm listening to it now, as I'm typing this - I see the words appear as I type them, as I delete them - you can't see what I just did, but I did it - if you ahhaven't seen the movie, go watch it now - you'll get tge idehe idea...


...Micheal Wesch has just released a couple more movies...

If you're into education...

...watch this - A Vision of Students Today

Thanks for the link, Sean...

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Posted by ajh59 at October 15, 2007 11:19 AM