December 15, 2006

OU Region Identifier Web Service

When I discovered that the OU regional offices had their own IP ranges, I thought it might be OUseful to knock up a small web service that would return the corresponding region number. This service can then be used to help customise the return of content that is tuned to a particular region.

I haven't thought of any useful applications of this yet, except this crude demo page that will forward the user to the corresponding regional office page (such as this one for Region 04) if they try to view it from an OU regional office.

Anyway - for what it's worth, here's the link: IP address to OU regional office identifier service.

The information is returned in the form:

<ipAddress> </ipAddress>
<ouLocation> RegionNN </ouLocation>

Here's a demo.

If you're in an OU regional office, a visit to this page should tell you which:-)

If you know of - or can think of - services that would benefit or support regional office localisation, let me know...

If you want to use the service, mail me, and I'll give you a stable URL for the service.

Posted by ajh59 at December 15, 2006 12:15 AM