July 01, 2006

OUTraveller: Lookup Book Details

Another potential component for the OU Library Traveller Script, this part representing the first step towards implementing a suggestion made by Mark Stride for a routine that would allow a user to request a library book purchase if the book wasn't found in the OU Library catalogue from a lookup on an Amazon book page.

To break the problem down, I've implemented a function that will add a button/link to the request a book page (internal only, I think...) that will complete the request form given an ISBN.

For example, here's before a lookup (the Get Book Details link is added by the script):


and here's after:


The book details are actually pulled in from Amazon, via a RESTful Amazon webservice, though there are alternatives (e.g. the info/xml links generated by the ISBN Links Generator).

The script is a little tatty, especially in the way the form elements are identified (raw counting!). However, the "request a book" page is due to be redesigned, and so it may be that the functionality this script provides will actually be built into the next version. (I'll also try and get the page marked up semantically).

If you want to try out the script, here it is: Complete book details.

Update: I've posted over the w/e about a public demo of this service.

Posted by ajh59 at July 1, 2006 12:05 AM