May 23, 2006

Bittybrowser bookmarklets

Thinking in part about this post from an old friend, re-met at the Carson Future of Web Apps Summit, discussing how the Web 2.0 community (new Yahoo front page aside) that gets the techie bit of it extends about as far as the TechCrunch readership, I looked around my own toy apps and realised that most of them are largely incomprehensible to most people.

Which is a shame..

... because I think some of them may be OUseful...

Take bookmarklets - if you know about bookmarklets, you're likely to use them.

If you use Firefox, and you donlt know about them, they're easy enough to install.

If you use IE (on XP SP2 at least) and don't know about bookmarklets, they're so relatively hard to install that you probably won't get to appreciate how useful they can be. (Udell has the solution in a screencast).

Anyway - that got me thinking: how easy would it be to get bookmarklets working in Bittybrowser, perhaps as a Bittybrowser customisation, so I could give students the joy of a bookmarklet customised browser without them having to customise their own browser, or download one I had customised for them?

As I'm lazy, and don't really have the time (or let's face it, the skill) to work this out myself, I sent a poorly explained, largely indeciperable email to Scott Matthews, Bittybrowser's creator, asking if it was possible. He got straight back to me with a 'give me a for instance'.

So here one is: Can we do Bittybrowser bookmarklets?

Posted by ajh59 at May 23, 2006 08:27 PM