May 19, 2006

Persistent News Search OPML Feed Roller

I had a bit of a dabble with the code of my social bookmarking OPML feed roller last week, trying to make it easier to register new socail bookmarking systems, so to see how easy it would be generate a different sort of OPML feed roller, Ive just had a quick hack and commenty of the code to produce a persistent news search OPML feed roller.


Here's what it looks like if you import this OPML into the Sage feed reader extension for Firefox:


When I get a chance, I'll go in and tidy the code up... that is, unless I get distracted by a tweak to let the user structure the feeds by search engine, rather than (or as well as?) 'profile'.

Posted by ajh59 at May 19, 2006 02:32 AM