May 12, 2006

OU Library Google Books Lookup Script

As I slowly working through the set, here's a follow up to the OU Library Amazon Greasemonkey Script based on a direct reworking from a script by Edward Vielmetti (Superpatron) that does a library lookup on books viewed in Google Books).

Anyway, here's my OU/Google Books Library Lookup Script

And here's an example lookup:


Just in passing, I heard from an internal reader this week who mentioned having actually got a book out of the OU library as a result of using the Amazon library lookup script:-)

It seems to me, the next thing to do would be to do a script to annotate somone's Amazon wishlist.

However, rather than doing this on an Amazon page, I'm tempted to create a bespoke page, or perhaps a feed, that will flag Wishlist items that are in the Library (or perhaps books that are on a bookshelf somewhere (described briefly here...;-)

And the source of the wishlist info? Why, a Amazon wishlist feed, of course!

Posted by ajh59 at May 12, 2006 12:48 AM