February 27, 2006

Delicious Reading Lists Made Easy

I hate it when an idea takes shape, 'cos it means I can't sleep... The thing that's been keeping me up tonight is the idea of delicious reading lists...(If you need a briefing on reading lists, here's where it started.) Here's my first attempt at making 'em easy...

Fist off, we need a way of bookmarking feeds to del.cio.us. One way to do this is to bookmark whatever's pointed to by the first <link rel='alternate' /> on a page, and tag it with, for example, usr:feed. (I have saked the delicious guys, via the developer mailing list, if a system:feed tag is on the cards).

If you need just such a bookmark, here's one I think works in Firefox: + feed 2 del.icio.us

The next thing we need to do is add an OPML feed generator link to a delicious page if there is at least one feed on it (e.g. at least one thing tagged usr:feed).

I've knocked up a del.icio.us OPML feed Greasemonkey script to do this, but it's a bit clunky at the moment. For example, it'll only work if you're looking at a page of the form http://del.icio.us/someThing/someTag, because it pulls out the feed for the page (e.g. http://del.icio.us/rss/someThing/someTag) and adds +usr:feed to it...

Here's how I provide a link to the generated OPML file:


If the page doesn't point to a page that relates specifically to tagged items (such as a user's del.icio.us 'homepage') be warned that (at the moment) the script won't work (if there's enough interest, I may try to fix this).

Also, if there's nothing tagged 'usr:feed' on the page, the feed link is not added. Furthermore, the feed link will only make use of items tagged usr:feed in the OPML file (that's all that's passed to the feed generator).

So for example, in the above screenshot, the feed link was generated because of this:


Here's an example of clicking the OPML link from my delicious feed on a tag that currently has two feeds in it:


Btw - I hope I'm allowed to make use of the OPML-TM gif?! Mail me if not...

Posted by ajh59 at February 27, 2006 02:46 AM