November 16, 2005

MyOpenLibrary, Frozen Child of MyLibrary

First off - a confession. I thought that the OU's MyOpenLibrary was an in-house OU sourced package, but it seems I'm wrong: MyLibrary is actually a thriving third party system that the OU adopted for an extended trial some years ago (<-- that page breaks in Firefox...).

Secondly, although I suspect the OU installation is lagging behind in terms of its current version, my posts on MyOpenLibrary 2.0 and Course Profiles for MyOpenLibrary 2.0, with titles carefully crafted (?!) to pun Web 2.0, are actually retrograde in that MyLibrary is currently at version 2.63 and set to go to version 3.0.

So that's me 'fessed up...

Anyway - now that I've found the MyLibrary site, I'll go and have a quick play to see if the direction it has gone in bears any resemblance to the MyOpenLibrary 2.0 tinkerings I've been blogging about for the last week.

I also need to go and do a bit more digging around the Netvibes 'Link Display Manager', which so far is the best app I've come across for feeding links into for display purposes.

One thing that I would like to be able to do in Netvibes, though, is to plug in arbitrary OpenSearch links...

Posted by ajh59 at November 16, 2005 10:23 PM