Scriptaculous Slider Code Generator (v0.01a)

(Up-down (vertical) or left-right (horizontal) slider.)
(Minimum slider value; default is 0.0.)
(Maximum slider value; default is 1.0.)
(Initial slider value; should be within minimum and maximum range.)
(Specify discrete values the slider can take (e.g. 0, 5, 10, 15); should be with max/min range.)
(Use the slider to set the red, green and blue values.)
(Use the slider to set the red, green and blue values.)
(Does something related to the offset of the max value on the horizontal slider.)
(Does something related to the offset of the max value on the vertical slider.)

Only tested in Firefox 1.51. (NB I spotted at least the following bugs in IE: i) the colour previews don't work; ii) the example slider isn't generated. iii) the example slider doesn't work.) If anyone is interested in taking this web page application further, please mail me a link to your version...:-)