searchfeedr Tools

Why not make the most of searchfeedr using some of the following searchfeedr integration tools?


searchfeedr is a Yahoo! Search powered search engine that obtains search limits from any* web feed, web page, or delicious user's tagged bookmark list (*in principle...).

searchfeedr+ allows you to limit your search to results from a given set of pages, or domains, that you trust., Technorati and H2O Playlist integration

searchfeedr+ bookmarklet (IE7 and Firefox): simply drag the bookmarklet onto your browser toolbar and use it to add searchfeedr+ to:

Automatically add the searchfeedr+ searchbox to these pages using the searchfeedr+ Greasemonkey script (requires Firefox with Greasemonkey extension).

user tips

Tag links you want to include in a searchroll with a particular tag (we're working on doing clever things with links tagged as usr:searchfeedr).

searchfeedr blog

There is no dedicated searchfeedr blog at the current time. In the meantime, you can keep up to date by searching for searchfeedr on the OUseful blog.

how searchfeedr works

searchfeedr architecture

pageSearch (a derivative application that identifies the links on a given web page and feeds them into searchfeedr) and deliSearch, a searchfeedr optimisation specifically for searching deliciious bookmark feeds, are based on a similar principle.